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Controller & Accountant-General's Department

We exist to provide Public Financial Management Services to the Government and the general public through efficient, skilled, well-motivated and dedicated staff, using the most appropriate technology.

Home Member Mustapha Ayornu

Mustapha Ayornu

Eastern Region

Mustapha Ayornu is a product of the Institute of Professional Studies. He joined the Department in 1990 rising through the ranks to be Assistant Controller and Accountant-General in 2012.

Professional Background

Before taking up the management of the Eastern Regional Directorate Mustapha had served as Director of Pensions, Greater Accra Regional Director and the first Head of Procurement among others.

Until recently he has been part of a team of Facilitators for four years in succession undertaking nationwide Capacity Building in Public Financial Management for Middle Level Staff and a team member in reviewing and validation of some important Departmental literature

As CAGD’s office in the Region, the Directorate provides a range of Financial Management Services to Government Departments and Agencies and the General Public. It is the link between the various stakeholders within the Region and Units of the Controller and Accountant-General Department.

The Regional Directorate performs the following function;

  1. Supervise staff Performance within the Region.
  2. Ensure the application/implementation of financial management systems as prescribed by CAG.
  3. Ensure capacity building of staff in relation to requisite performance.
  4. Monitor, advise, report and advocacy on Public Financial Management matters.
  5. Receive and Administer complaints from other Institutions and the general public relating to the Public Financial Management and CAGD staff
  6. Deploy Accounting staff within the Region.

CAGD assets management in the Region