Update Of Bank Accounts On The Mechanized Payroll

The   Controller    and   Accountant     General’s    Department    (CAGD)    wishes    to   inform employees     who     receive     salary     through     the    mechanized      payroll,     Heads     of MDAs/MMDAs,      and   the   general   public   about   an  exercise   to   stop   the   salaries   of employees  who  do  not  have  bank  account  numbers   in the  CAGD  payroll   system.

This announcement    was   posted   several   times   on  the  pays lips  of  the   affected   employees requesting   them  to  provide   update  on  their  bank  accounts   to  facilitate   the  payment   of salaries  by the banks.  However,   after the deadline  for the submission   of this  information on 30th  June 2014,  only few employees  have complied  with the directive.

In light of the above,  CAGD  has begun  an exercise  to stop the salaries  of employees  who failed to supply their  bank  account  details  in line with Regulation  298 (3) of the Financial Administration    Regulation,   2004  (LI  1802).  The  stoppage   of  salaries  will  be  done  in phases   beginning   with   Dodowa   District   in  the  month   of  July  2014.   The  salaries  of affected  staff  can only  be restored  after  a written  authority  by a Head  of department  and certification  of employment   and bank  accounts  details  by the Audit  Service  at the district level.

The Department   wishes  to urge  employees   to furnish  the  Personnel   Processing   Sections (PPSs)  of  their   sector  Ministries   with  their  bank  account   details   for  verification   and update on the system.

Heads    of  MDAs/MMDAs      and   employees    may   contact   the   Head   of  Payroll   at  the Treasury  Headquarters   in Accra,  the Regional  Directorates   of the  CAGD  or the District, Municipal    and  Metropolitan    Finance   offices   for  assistance   or  call  telephone   number

Author: CAGD3