PRESS RELEASE: Validation Of Salaries Through The E-SPV System

The Controller and Accountant General (CAG) wishes to inform Heads of MDAs/MMDAs and employees that the Electronic Salary Payment Voucher (E-SPV) system has been rolled out in eight (8) regions namely, Greater Accra, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Upper East, Upper West, Central, Western and Northern Regions.

Employees in these regions would now be paid by the CAGD only after both Heads of Management Units and Human Resource (HR) officers defined on the E-SPV system validate the salaries of employees for the month. If Heads of Management Units and HR officers do not validate the salaries of employees working under those Management Units the employees would not be paid by the system.

The validation of salaries by Heads of Management Units is a requirement for payment of salaries under Regulation 304 of the Financial Administration Regulation, 2004 (LI 1803).

The CAG wishes to urge Heads of Departments in these regions to take keen interest in the validation process and ensure that Heads of Management Units and the HR officers validate the salaries for every month.

Employees who may not receive their salary as a result of non-validation of their salaries by Heads of Management Units and HR officers would be paid the following month after the Heads of Management Units and HR officers validate the salaries.

It has been decided that the CAGD will publish the list of Management Units whose employees’ salaries were not paid because of non-validation by the heads of Management Units and HR officers on the CAGD website at .

Heads of Departments and employees are encouraged to visit the CAGD website in case they have issues with non-validation of their salaries for more details.


Please click here for the list of Management Units whose employees’ salaries were not paid in March

Author: CAGD3